Official Community Plan Amendment and
Rezoning Application No. 100162
Development Permit Application No. 100978 and
Development Variance Permit Application No. 100105
(Qualico Developments / 7720 and 7780 - 202A Street, and
7767 - 204 Street)
Bylaw No. 5451
Bylaw No. 5452
Report 19-71
File CD 08-23-0173
8:40pm approximately
Recommended Action
That Council give third reading to "Langley Official Community Plan Bylaw 1979 No. 1842 Amendment (Willoughby Community Plan) Bylaw 1998 No. 3800 Amendment (Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2001 No. 4030 Amendment (Latimer Neighbourhood Plan) Bylaw 2015 No. 5101 Amendment (Qualico Developments (Vancouver) Inc.) Bylaw 2019 No. 5451"; and
"Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Qualico Developments (Vancouver) Inc.) Bylaw 2019 No. 5452".
Explanation - Bylaw No. 5451
Bylaw 2019 No. 5451 amends the Willoughby Community Plan, Yorkson Neighbourhood Plan and Latimer Neighbourhood Plan by amending the land use designation of a portion of 7720 and
7780 - 202A Street, adding a portion of 7780 - 202A Street to Energy Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction Development Permit Area, removing a portion of 7720 - 202A Street from Energy Conservation and GHG Emission Reduction Development Permit Area and changing the Plan boundaries.
Explanation - Bylaw No. 5452
Bylaw 2019 No. 5452 rezones 2.80 ha (6.92 ac) of land at 7720 and 7780 - 202A Street and 7767 - 204 Street from Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 to Residential Zone R-1A and Residential Compact Lot Zones R-CL(A), R-CL(B), R-CL(RH), and R-CL(SD) to accommodate a mixed residential development consisting of 56 lots (37 single family lots, 9 rowhouses and 10 semi-detached lots).
Development Permit No. 100978
Running concurrently with this Bylaw is Development Permit
No. 100978 (Qualico Developments / 7720 and 7780 - 202A Street, and 7767 - 204 Street) in accordance with Attachment A subject to the following conditions:
a. An exterior design control ag...
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