Rezoning Application No. 100450 and
Development Permit Application Nos. 100825 and 101057
(Mitchell Latimer 73 Inc. / 7331, 7337, 7371, 7393 and
7415 - 198B Street and 7400 Block of 197 Street)
Bylaw No. 5484
Report 19-99
File CD 08-22-0071
8:30pm approximately
Recommended Action
That Council give third reading to "Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Mitchell Latimer 73 Inc.) Bylaw 2019
No. 5484".
Explanation - Bylaw No. 5484
Bylaw 2019 No. 5484 rezones 7.43 ha (18.35 ac) of land at 73A and 75 Avenues from 196 to 198B Street from Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 to Residential Compact Lot Zones R-CL(B) and R-CL(SD) to accommodate 70 single family lots and 62 semi-detached lots.
Development Permit No. 100825
Running concurrently with this Bylaw is Development Permit
No. 100825 (Mitchell Latimer 73 Inc. / 7331, 7337, 7371, 7393 and
7415 - 198B Street and 7400 Block of 197 Street) in accordance with Attachment A subject to the following conditions:
a. An exterior design control agreement shall be entered into for all lands zoned Residential Compact Lot Zone R-CL(B);
b. Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules "A" through "N";
c. On-site landscaping plans being in substantial compliance with Schedules "O" through "V", and in compliance with Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw (Schedule I - Tree Protection) and the Township's Street Trees and Boulevard Plantings Policy, to the acceptance of the Township;
Although not part of the development permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized:
a. Issuance of an Energy Conservation and GHG Emissions Reduction Development Permit;
b. Registration of party wall and common element maintenance agreements on the title of all Residential Compact Lot R-CL(SD) zoned lots;
c. Registration of an easement securing the required visitor parking stalls for lands zoned Residential ...
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