Rezoning Application No. 100477 and
Development Permit Application No. 100895
(Archwood Developments Ltd. / 8485 - 204 Street,
20291, 20323, 20341 and 20365 - 84 Avenue)
Bylaw No. 5408
Report 18-117
File CD 08-26-0178
8:55pm approximately
Recommended Action
That Council give final reading to “Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 Amendment (Archwood Developments Ltd.) 2018 Bylaw No. 5408”.
Explanation - Bylaw No. 5408
Bylaw 2018 No. 5408 rezones property located at 8485 - 204 Street, 20291, 20323, 20341 and 20365 - 84 Avenue from Suburban Residential Zone SR-2 to Comprehensive Development Zone CD 128 to permit a comprehensive development consisting of 183 townhouse units.
A definition of floor space ratio is included in this bylaw to allow for consistent interpretation.
Development Permit No. 100895
That Council authorize issuance of Development Permit No. 100895 (Archwood Developments Ltd. / 8485 - 204 Street, 20291, 20323, 20341 and 20365 - 84 Avenue) in accordance with Attachment A subject to the following conditions:
a. Building plans being in compliance with Schedules “A” through “BB” subject to integration and Township acceptance of lot grading;
b. Landscape plans being in substantial compliance with
Schedules “BC” through “BG” and in compliance (subject to Township acceptance of lot grading) with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Planting Policy and Age Friendly Amenity Area requirements, to the acceptance of the Township;
c. All signage being in substantial compliance with Schedules “X”, “AL” and “BB”, and the Township’s Sign Bylaw;
d. Mechanical equipment and ground level service equipment to be screened from view by compatible architectural and landscape treatments to the acceptance of the Township;
e. All refuse areas to be located within the buildings to the acceptance of the Township;
f. Registration of restrictive covenants to the acceptance of the Township:
i. prohibiting the townhouse unit garages from being developed for purposes other than parking of vehicles and prohibiting the development of secondary suites within individual townhouse units;
ii. prohibiting reliance on street parking; and,
iii. prohibiting access to 204 Street for the townhouse units.
Although not part of the Development Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to issuance of a building permit, the following items will need to be finalized:
a. Issuance of Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Reduction DP101011;
b. Payment of supplemental Development Permit application fees, applicable Development Cost Charges, and Building Permit administration fees;
c. Provision of an exterior lighting impact plan prepared by an electrical engineer in compliance with the provisions of the Township’s Exterior Lighting Impact Policy;
d. Provision of a landscape lighting plan in compliance with the requirements of the Carvolth Neighborhood Plan to the acceptance of the Township;
e. Landscaping and boulevard treatment being secured by letter of credit at the Building Permit stage;
f. Written confirmation from owner and landscape architect or arborist that the tree protection fencing identified in the tree management plan is in place; and
g. Submission of a site specific on-site servicing and stormwater management plan in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, and an erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw, both with accompanying legal documents as required, to the acceptance of the Township.
Clerk’s Note: Please note that all development prerequisites listed in the Community Development Division report to Council of
July 23, 2018 attached to the Bylaw have been satisfactorily addressed. The Public Hearing for the bylaw was held on
September 17, 2018 with third reading given on October 1, 2018.