Clerk’s Note: Development Application Procedures Bylaw 2018 No. 5428 Amendment Bylaw 2020 No. 5615, approved by Council on April 20, 2020, allows for Written Submission Opportunities only when in person Public Input Opportunities or Public Hearings are not required pursuant to provincial regulations.
Heritage Alteration Permit Application
No. 101201 (Bouwman / 21393 Old Yale Road)
Report 21-18
File CD 08-01-0106
Recommended Action
That Council authorize issuance of Heritage Alteration Permit
No. 101201 for property located at 21393 Old Yale Road to facilitate subdivision into two (2) lots and the construction of two (2) single family dwellings, subject to the following conditions being satisfied to the acceptance of the General Manager of Engineering and Community Development:
a. Building plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “A”;
b. On-site landscape plans and tree management plans being in substantial compliance with Schedule “B” and in compliance with the Township’s Street Tree and Boulevard Planting Policy;
c. Section 110.1 - Minimum Subdivision Requirements of Township of Langley Zoning Bylaw 1987 No. 2500 being varied to reduce the minimum lot frontage requirement in the Residential Zone R-1E from 22 m (72 ft) to 18.27 m (59.94 ft) for proposed “Lot 1” and 18.26 m (59.90 ft) for proposed “Lot 2.”
Although not part of the Heritage Alteration Permit requirements, the applicant is advised that prior to final subdivision approval the following items will need to be finalized:
a. Completion of a Servicing Agreement with the Township to
secure required road and utility upgrades and extensions, including
Old Yale Road and the lane in accordance with the Township’s Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw;
b. Completion of an erosion and sediment control plan in accordance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw;
c. Written confirmation from the owner and Landscape Architect or Arborist that tree protection fencing is in place;
d. Payment of applicable administration fees, Murrayville Pedestrian Overpass fee and Heritage Alteration Permit fees;
e. Installation of an on-site infiltration system in accordance with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw;
f. Registration of a restrictive covenant, pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Act, to restrict the location of driveways to the rear lane.